These changes required programs making use of them (such as MO1, NMM and MO2) to be updated to be able to still use Nexus integrations.Even though MO1 is End of Life and will not get any future updates, enpinion managed to get the Mo1 code to build and has been able to fix this issue. LePresidente managed to fix it to a usable state by himself after SkyrimSE came out, adding support for it, and releasing v2.0.8.The project took up speed again after a few more coders showed up in late 2017, and an incredible amount of work has been done!Credits to Tannin, LePresidente, Silarn, erasmux, AL12, LostDragonist, AnyOldName3 and many others for the development.A Special Thanks to all the testers of the discord server and everyone else involved for supporting the project!MO2 Team:Lead Developers:LepresidenteSilarnerasmuxAL12LostDragonistDevelopers:AnyOldName3Project567DeorderCommunity Manager:outdatedtv // ponurymazepaMO1 Legacy dev:Nyreen Kandros // enpinionFor a list of currently known issues and general info please see the pinned posts.Mod organizer 1 Legacy (thanks enpinion):Recently Nexus changed their services to be compliant to the new EU rules.

Mod Organizer(MO)是一个管理mod集合的工具。 它专为喜欢尝试mod的用户而设计,因此需要一种简单可靠的方式来安装和卸载它们。设置中文方法:点击这边的设置按钮:点击这边的Generallanguage这里选择Chinese(simplified)然后点击OK就行了N网地址:OFFICIAL MOD ORGANIZER 2 GUIDE BY GAMERPOETSMod Organizer v2.1.5 has been released, see the logs section for all the changes.Mod Organizer 2 Full ChangelogMod Organizer 2 is a mod manager created by Tannin to support 64bit games like Skyrim Special Edition and Fallout 4 in addition to all the 32bit games MO1 already supported.Tannin discontinued the project when he was hired by the Nexus team to develop their new Vortex mod manager.MO2 was not completed and was left with many issues.