The passives increase critical chance and ensure players don't run out of stamina. They will then want to use Shadow Strike, which can restore their stamina and allow them to continue with Throwing Blades and Leaping Shot at various intervals. When fighting players will want to start by throwing out Elemental Mines. The Rogue Archer Artificer Build in Dragon Age: Inquisition Here's how to create the best Rogue Archer build in Dragon Age: Inquisition. The build is incredibly overpowered and can make everything from dragon hunting to taking on waves of darkspawn in The Descent feel like Casual Mode. Related: Dragon Age 4 Concept Art May Reveal Awesome Gear & Locationįan-favorite companion and series staple Varric Tethras is also a rogue archer Artificer, so players who don't want to build their Inquisitor this way can still experience its power by using it for him. The rogue archer Artificer build centers on Leaping Shot combined with Throwing Blades and as many critical chance and critical hit passives and equipment materials the player can possibly include. Of these three, Artificer is by far the most powerful and can allow a rogue archer to take on the Highland Ravager high dragon, the most difficult creature to fight, without a party on Nightmare Difficulty in just two or three hits. When players choose to be a rogue, they will have access to the Assassin, Tempest, and Artificer specializations. Later in the game, players can choose a specialization for their Inquisitor from the three available for their specific class.

Players can choose whether they want their hero to wield a two-handed weapon or use a weapon and shield if they select warrior and whether they want their hero to be an archer or a dual-dagger-wielding rogue. Like most RPGs, Dragon Age: Inquisition has players select a race, class, specialization, and unique build for their character. At the start of a new game in Dragon Age: Inquisition, players can choose to be a human, elf, dwarf, or qunari and a warrior, rogue, or mage.