Obviously, it’s important that you place the Workshop and the surrounding buildings intelligently so you can get the most out of them. You can now construct a Workshop that allows you to staff adjacent buildings with Gremlins that function as engineers, effectively doubling their efficiency. XCOM: Enemy Within had adjacency bonuses that made planning your base challenging, but XCOM 2 has done away with them - with one major exception. The juicy center of the flying base, however, is filled with what is basically alien junk that can be cleared out so you can build nifty new base facilities. Here’s what you need to know to get your base set up properly in XCOM 2: Base Building BasicsĪ big chunk of the Avenger is taken up by the mainstays of the XCOM project – the command center, the armory, the barracks, engineering, etc. Don’t worry though, you still have plenty of opportunity to do some base-building, though your options are somewhat more limited than in the first game.